Welcome to Studies on Faith!

My name is Mark Schneider, and I’ve been facilitating small Christian group studies for decades. As such, I’ve constructed lesson plans for dozens of spiritual books, scripture passages, and social reflections. These bespoke plans served me well in leading thought-provoking discussions with the goal of groups growing closer to each other and closer to God.

It seems a shame to develop lesson plans only to be used once, so I created this site to share what I hope are ready-to-use lessons for some of my favorite studies. I encourage you to use them as-is, or tailor them for your specific purposes. No attribution is necessary, but I would appreciate comments on which studies worked well for you (or not).

Also – let me know if you have any suggestions for additional courses of study.

Your brother in Christ,


When Christians Get It Wrong – Adam Hamilton

Here’s another great book from Adam Hamilton (aren’t they all?). Hamilton wrote When Christians Get It Wrong back in 2010 and revised it in 2013. Going through it again today, I find the content still very applicable. I guess that means we’re not yet getting it all right. The lesson series is only six sessions long, one per chapter, but they’re chock full of excellent discussion fodder.

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I’m changing gears with this latest study. There’s no book for group members to read. Rather, it covers some of the most popular hymns of our time. And, yes – the lesson plans call for singing them. Don’t worry, I’ve included links to YouTube instrumentals that will provide good background music. If you don’t have great voices in your group, just turn up the volume!

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