Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation – M. Robert Mulholland Jr. and Ruth Haley Barton

This book by Robert Mulholland, expanded by Ruth Haley Baron, is targeted at existing Christians looking to expand their spiritual journey through traditional and personal spiritual disciplines. Full disclosure – it is not light reading!

Our class took a couple of chapters at a time, getting through the book in six sessions. Truth be told, while it comes highly rated on Amazon, it was not our favorite study. That said, it provided fodder to discuss important questions concerning our relationship with God, and the process by which we are working to achieve the “perfection” that John Wesley proposed and all United Methodist pastors pledge to pursue.

The book has a built-in study guide in the form of an appendix. You’ll find many questions to pose there to supplement or replace the ones you’ll find in the following lesson plans.

As always, if you like these or any of my lesson plans, please share them to your social media accounts using the links on the right.


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