Wrestling With Doubt, Finding Faith – Adam Hamilton

Our class is currently finishing up this study of Adam Hamilton’s latest book, Wrestling With Doubt, Finding Faith. This was published late in 2023, and I had the privilege of hearing Hamilton discuss it while we both attended the United Methodist General Conference in April/May 2024. His presentation, as well as the book, were of course excellent.

You should really get the accompanying DVD for this one. Hamilton recorded these sessions at his lake house. The different locations around the house provide a beautifully peaceful backdrop for his talks.

Hamilton conveys that the motivation for the sermon series which spawned the book was a survey he conducted at Resurrection, A United Methodist Church. He asked participants to list the top things they wrestled with in their faith. He then covered the top vote-getters:

  • Is There a God?
  • The Good Book?
  • Are All Non-Christians Going to Hell?
  • Is Heaven Real?
  • When Prayers Go Unanswered
  • Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

Tell me how this series works for you and your group. If you like this or any of my lesson plans, share them to your social media accounts using the links on the right.


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