When Christians Get It Wrong – Adam Hamilton

Here’s another great book from Adam Hamilton (aren’t they all?). Hamilton wrote When Christians Get It Wrong back in 2010 and revised it in 2013. Going through it again today, I find the content still very applicable. I guess that means we’re not yet getting it all right. The lesson series is only six sessions long, one per chapter, but they’re chock full of excellent discussion fodder.

I recommend that you get the accompanying Leader Guide and optionally the DVD. I didn’t use the DVD for our class as I found some good accompanying YouTube content by Hamilton that served my purposes. The corresponding YouTube links are included in the lesson plans.

On a personal note, my wife and I had the joy of going on a Bible study cruise in the Mediterranean Sea with instruction provided by Adam himself! It was intended to be a cruise to the Holy Land, but that got aborted due to our arrival date in Israel being the day after Hamas invaded. Needless to say, the cruise itinerary was quickly changed to safer ports of call. It was still a fantastic experience, with memories which included treading in the footsteps of Paul in Ephesus and renewing our wedding vows, along with scores of other cruisers, as led by Adam in Corinth. Precious stuff!

Let me know how this lesson series works for you. If you like this or any of my lesson plans, please share them to your social media accounts using the links on the right.


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